
What we need most is a person who will force us to do what we can.
Common to all my methods is that they have helped me to grow, to learn and to change constantly. They have found me, they support my philosophy of medicine, Avicenna's four elements teaching, and I therefore happily apply them with both conscious mind and full heart. I love my profession and that is how I practice it!


Aromatherapy is a specialized part of phytotherapy - herbal medicine. The essential oils used are also called the soul of the plant. This describes very nicely their essence and healing effect - they can communicate directly with our soul without taking a detour through our mind. In addition, many components of essential oils have been proven to have healing effects. When added to a massage oil, used as a poultice, or inhaled, they reach the body, mind and soul.
Healing touch

Under this term are summarized all forms of therapy that I perform with my hands. Classical and intuitive massage, craniosacral body therapy, hand reflexology, acupressure, and breath talk. A simple touch can have an effect by conveying compassion and caring. Releasing tense muscles not only brings about a feeling of relief in the body, but quite often in the psychological realm as well. The rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid in our craniosacral system, as well as the energy in our meridians, reflect our inner harmony.
Cupping / Honey massage

One of the globally applied and recognized methods of natural medicine, cupping is as much a part of traditional Chinese medicine as it is of monastic medicine or the healing methods of South American natives. The range of applications is very wide and can be used on the entire body - either by placing cupping glasses on specific points on the body or by pulling them over tense muscle areas. I use both methods depending on the indication.
The honey massage belongs like the cupping to the detox therapy procedures, i.e., with the help of the pulling forces on the skin tensions are eased and slags are transported into the detox-organ skin. During the honey massage, honey is applied directly to the skin, worked into the skin with massage techniques and then the fasciae and connective tissue are loosened with strong pulling movements.
Ear acupuncture

This healing method was partially rediscovered in France in the last century after being almost lost in China and surviving in North Africa in variations. Usually, it is not necessary to use needles, stimulation of the points by acupressure or with the help of small magnetic beads is often sufficient.
Nutritional counseling

Our diet, in Avicenna's eyes, was both the root cause of health as well as for many symptoms of disease. Eating right in the tibb tradition means eating adapted – that means adapted to the time of day, season, volume of work, our character ... no healing method will really work unless we eat the right thing at the right time and in peace. Therefore, our gut and our diet are always a central part of any therapy with me.
Open Ear Therapy

Surely this is the most important part of my healing methods - listening! Our spirit needs a way to express our sufferings mentally, physically, or psychologically without harming us. Even this mild way can improve many symptoms because they have found a gentle way to express themselves.
Applied Positive Psychology

In Positive Psychology, the main focus is not on the dark side of our psyche, not on the illnesses, but on the strengths, our resilience, the beneficial feelings. This does not mean ignoring the dark, but rather changing our perspective on it and thus more consciously enjoying the positive in our lives to better master the negative.

Without emotions, darkness cannot be transformed into light, apathy cannot be transformed into movement.
My holistic view of life is strongly influenced by my upbringing in a Christian household, by my "guiding star", the Buddhist goddess Tara - whose name means star, as does the Arabic word najmah - and by Greek-Arabic medical philosophy as handed down to us by Avicenna and as further developed in our monasteries. "tibb" unites the ancient knowledge of the Greek philosopher Galen with the healing traditions of Tibet, China and the ancient Persian Empire, and with the observations and research of the Arab and Jewish physicians of the 9th and 10th centuries. In the monasteries of the Middle Ages, it was further developed by great healers such as Hildegard of Bingen and has thus survived until our time and has lost nothing of its power.
According to this teaching, there are four essential building blocks of life - the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire. Our body, mind and soul are made up of these elements and they form our inner harmony. If our very own balance is disturbed, we become ill. To keep this balance and if necessary to restore it, it takes all parts in us - body, mind and soul, intuition, faith, and hard work. With my work I try to support them in finding and walking their very own individual path.
Please note:The turtle says: Work that has already been started is as good as done.
The mentioned procedures are not scientifically recognized. They are based on empirical medicine and are not a substitute for necessary scientifically proven treatment procedures. I see my work as an accompaniment to the medical orthodox treatments.