Welcome to najmah
- The site of Corinne Teyssedou
Medicine ... is the art by which health is preserved and the art by which health is restored.
In modern medicine, the previously closely interwoven fields of prevention and cure have been separated and assigned to different professions. I believe that the two belong together. Therefore, I officially remain within the legal framework and continue to separate these two areas between my work as a health therapist (prevention, health maintenance and health promotion) and as a non-medical practitioner (recognizing, alleviating, or curing diseases) and can thus reunite the two.

The first reliable mark of a healthy soul is tranquility of heart and an inwardly felt pleasure
Through my work, I became aware that an essential dimension was still missing - that of the soul and the heart. That is why I turned to Positive Psychology and can now bring this knowledge into all areas of my work.

* Aromatherapy *
* Bodywork *
* Massage *
* Acupressure *
* Craniosacral therapy *
* Cupping *
* Ear acupuncture *
* Nutritional counseling *
* Applied positive psychology *

I am blind and use the advantages that my disability opens up to me - for example, my trained sense of touch and smell supports my application methods, massage and aromatherapy. Also, you do not have to worry about being judged by your appearance.
Of course, there are also disadvantages, e.g., my blindness limits my diagnostic abilities in some respects. Therefore, I do not diagnose skin diseases, for example.
The venerable Imam Mohammed Ghasali was once asked how he reached such a high level of scholarship? He answered: "By not being ashamed to ask what I did not know. (Saadi (c. 1210 - 1292), also Sadi, Moscharref od-Din ibn or Mosleh od-Din, Persian poet)
Openness is the basis of trust. So, feel free to ask me any questions that seem important to you. Be it about my life, my work, my disability, or my philosophy.
I am happy to answer!